Turning agri-food waste & biomass into sustainable polymers

Developing novel alternative of bio-based polymers synthesised from bio-renewable monomers.

Project Specificity

POLYMERS-5B aims to create a bio-based alternative

Given that 97% of plastics are currently derived from fossil-based feedstock (data from 2023 Plastics Europe AISBL), POLYMERS-5B aims to create a bio-based alternative to the production of plastics through underused agri-food and wood biowastes.

The main applications are:

Project Goals

Novel alternative bio-based polymers

Novel alternative bio-based polymers synthesized from bio-based monomers sourced from underexploited 2G feedstock, using Machine Learning (ML) tools and Safe and Sustainable by Design (SSbD) approaches.

Project Impact

We will refer to the benefits to society and the environment:

  • Recyclability of new bio-based products
  • Biodegradability, lower carbon footprint of the new products
  • Fair transition towards sustainability for all EU’s citizens
  • Boosting the demand for new bio-polymers, products & bioactive compounds and creating the conditions for a spin-off
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News and Events

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POLYMERS-5B: Towards the Creation of a Bioplastics Supply Chain | 16/08/2024

POLYMERS-5B: Towards the Creation of a Bioplastics Supply Chain | 16/08/2024

The online magazine Materia Rinnovabile | Renewable Matter explores critical issues in the transition to a circular economy, providing a platform for experts, policy makers, innovators, designers, and entrepreneurs. The present editorial, written by Riccardo Varotto of NSBproject Srl, examines the Polymers-5B project’s efforts to establish a sustainable bioplastics supply chain, leveraging biocatalysis technology to […]

POLYMERS-5B at EUBCE in Marseille | 25-26 june 2024

POLYMERS-5B at EUBCE in Marseille | 25-26 june 2024

At EUBCE – European Biomass Conference & Exhibition 2024 in Marseille, we had the exciting opportunity to showcase POLYMERS-5B at the CBE JU booth

POLYMERS-5B, the Kick Off Meeting | 17-18 june 2024

POLYMERS-5B, the Kick Off Meeting | 17-18 june 2024

A major new initiative to develop innovative and sustainable bio-based plastics has been launched on June 17th in Lisbon. POLYMERS-5B!


Innovation and Impact Partnership

POLYMERS-5B brings together experts from academia, research institutions, and industry, representing Portugal, Latvia, Spain, Netherlands, Italy, Germany and Serbia.

This collaboration brings together cutting-edge technologies and expertise to develop and drive innovation in Biocatalysis and Green Chemistry processes.


Fair transition towards sustainability
for all EU’s citizens


A fair transition towards sustainability for all EU citizens involves ensuring that the shift to a green economy is inclusive, equitable, and just. This process should not only focus on environmental goals but also consider social and economic dimensions to ensure that no one is left behind.